Does Vitamin C Help Digestion

Does Vitamin C Help Digestion

There seem to be new food trends popping up every week. At the moment, Kombucha and sauerkraut, in particular, are everywhere. Let's shed some light on exactly why foods that lower inflammation and boost our gut health are gaining popularity.

If you're trying to improve your immunity, stress response, anxiety, depression, arthritis, IBS or leaky gut syndrome you'll find boosting your gut health is at the core of most health experts suggestions.

Why gut health is essential

The father of medicine Hippocrates said thousands of years ago "all disease starts in the gut" and this is still true today. The most crucial system of your body is the digestive system. You've most probably heard of the Low-FODMAP Diet 1 , which is excellent ´for balancing microbiome. The microbiome of your gut is made up of trillions of microorganisms and their genetic material that live in your intestinal tract. These microorganisms, otherwise known as 'gut bugs' are involved in many bodily functions. These include digestion, metabolism, weight management, and immunity functions. Emerging research also shows the importance of 'gut bugs' in brain function and positive mental health. 2

Flatlay with rhubarb, strawberries and blueberries.

Vitamins for boosting gut health

There is an abundance of real foods you can eat to nourish your gut. We suggest filling your kitchen with:

  • Cultured beverages (kombucha)
  • Cultured foods (live yogurt or kefir)
  • Bone broth
  • Fermented foods (miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables)
  • Low-fructose fruit (p ineapples, strawberries, blackberries, lemons, limes, rhubarb, avocado)
  • Low-fructose vegetables (asparagus, leafy greens, celery, mushrooms, white potatoes, spinach and peas)
  • Organic and unprocessed foods
  • Fiber-rich foods (Whole grains crackers)
  • Healthy fats (Canned salmon)
  • Prebiotics and probiotics

It's also vital for optimal gut health that you use the best supplements for digestive problems to protect, heal and support your gut. If you decide to use supplements ensure that they have the highest efficacy available and are FDA-approved. Find out more about effective supplementation here.

Vitamin B's and Iron

Your digestive system craves vitamin B's to help your body create red blood cells and gain energy from food, but it is primarily vitamin B12 that is helpful for boosting your gut health. If you experience any digestive issues such as diarrhea, nausea and cramping chances are you may have a B12 deficiency. You need adequate levels of B12 to absorb iron as well. Your gut bacteria need iron to function effectively, and iron may also help your gut bacteria to grow. A combined iron and B12 deficiency is common in our society today . 3 You can check and address both your B12 and iron levels with a simple nutrient test.

For a list of vitamin B12-rich food products hand picked by our dietitians, click here.

Vitamin C and Vitamin D

Vitamin C is the other nutrient you need to absorb iron and assist with digestion as well as promoting healthy gums and teeth. Vitamin D aids digestion, immunity and helps your body absorb calcium. We use Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), the superior form to Vitamin D2 to ensure the highest level of efficacy possible.

For a list of vitamin D-rich food products hand picked by our dietitians, click here.

Cup of yoghurt with a passionfruit.


Selenium protects the lining of your gut and enhances your gut's response to inflammation. If your body is lacking selenium, you may notice a heightened stress response and increased inflammatory levels.

For a list of selenium-rich food products hand picked by our dietitians, click here.


Zinc is fantastic for increasing the production of digestive enzymes which in turn prevents leaky gut syndrome 4 and helps you lose weight. We love talking about zinc.

Click here for your zinc-rich shopping list.


Mighty magnesium, what would we do without it? As well as helping relax your muscles, balance your blood sugar levels and cope with stress, magnesium also minimizes inflammation within your gut.  We use magnesium citrate, which has three times the absorption rate compared to other types of magnesium supplements.

Click here for your hand-picked magnesium shopping list.


Omega-3 essential fatty acids are helpful for lowering inflammation, bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, improving cognition and cardiovascular health. Similarly, research is telling us that omega-3's may increase the good bacteria in your gut. 5 Take a Baze test to check if you are deficient in omega-3's and correct your levels with personalized supplements delivered to your door.

For a list of selenium-rich food products hand picked by our dietitians, click here.

A table with a selection of Korean foods including Kimchi.

Lifestyle tips for boosting your gut health

  • Keep an eye on your stress levels.
  • Drink enough water to flush out toxins.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Find deeper more fulfilling sleep patterns.
  • Try intermittent fasting
  • Avoid antibiotics if possible

Nutritional imbalance is the number one cause of health issues in the United States. Accurately check your nutrient levels with a Baze Starter Kit, which includes a painless blood test, a report on your current nutrient levels and a month of free personalized vitamins.

Disclosure: The links in the Baze Food Guide are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Baze will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. All opinions are our own and based off of our registered dietitian criteria.


Does Vitamin C Help Digestion



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